My existence is a hateful one. Here is a list of things that I hate and therefore you should all too.
- Whaleoil
- David Farrar
- National
- John Key
- Simon Lusk
- People richer than I am
- Immigrants if they are richer than I am or vote National
- Homeowners
- America
- Australia
- England
- Religion
- Radio NZ
- Rodney Hide
- Labour
- Large corporations
- Small corporations
- The corner dairy
- Bankers
- Lawyers
- The System!!!
- Cactus Kate
- The Police
- Judges
- Dissenting comments people on Daily Blog
- Mediaworks
- Mark Weldon
- Bob Jones
- Pebbles Hooper
- Rachel Glucina
- Duncan Garner
- Heather du Plessis-Allan
- Matthew Hooton (unless he is paying me)
- Carrick Graham (because he doesn't pay me)
- Cameron Slater
- Pete
- Rich old people
- Don Brash
- Jordan Williams
And don't forget I hate Cameron Slater because he is New Zealand's leading merchant of hate.
I hate happy and I don’t care about making sense but when shit hits the wall over these perverts and right wing hairy trolls it makes my mouth twitch and that’s what happened when another one of these stupid pretend journalists opened her stupid mouth and spit on the poor so now that Pebbles Hooper has resigned well it’s at least something she did that Bob Jones didn’t have the guts to do from the Herald (Yes he did, please try and keep up Martyn - Ed).
My mouth tries to go up at the corners when these stupid girls yes Rachel Glucina another pretend journalist she was fired I know she says she was head hunted but shit what the hell does that mean she should be taken over the the self-destructing Media Works where they fell at their feet when told by John Key to fire John Campbell the only real journalist in the mainstream media who held this right wing fascist bunch of pricks in the government to account.
Do I care that my blogging is said by the right wing fascists that it doesn’t make sense ? Nah I just shout, SHOUT I SAY, shout louder at people, that’s why they call me Bomber. I can throw a rock, rocks. I just throw at people. I love nothing better than to rark up the mobs on the Twitter and we hound these girls like that most hated person in New Zealand Pebbles Hooper spoiled little right wing neoliberal post-Rogernomics that’s what you get for deregulation all trying to tell Greece what to do it’s racism.
TV3 trying to get Heather Duplicity but she turned them down for the seven pm at night slot (Oh please – keep up, she accepted the job and ‘seven pm at night’ is tautology you thicko - Ed) and Duncs to save their image but they’ll need more than these two dummies sorry Duncs but you know what I mean the whole channel will self combust under the weight of that Weldon who is just Key’s bitch and Julie Christie I mean what the hell does she know about television and making documentaries she should come and see some of the reality shows I’ve done hanging around dark corners in the outskirts of Auckland I know only my aunty and a cousin watched them but it’s the quality that counts.
They gave me that name Bomber and I wish it was stronger I could be called Eruption or Volcano or Richter 12 that is the worst Earthquake you can have because it would crack the planet in half and destroy the world I would love to destroy the world. I hate pretty girls especially if they’re called Pebbles or won't do as I say. Bitches. Most especially when they get more publicity than me for saying horrible things. The Listener called me “the most opinionated man in New Zealand” so how dare this young ingénue come along and upstage me?
Fashion design is for the middle class all the middle classes should be annihilated when we rule the world when we have guillotined all the ruling classes after the revolution we will do away with fashion design and everyone will have to wear the same grey suits with mandarin collars. That’s original. (Eh? - Ed.)
The only person I like is Kim DotCom I did his stuff for him I could tell you about it but then I’d have to kill you. KDC for Supreme Leader, The Dear Leader we will all have to call him.
Rachel Glucina, Mike Hoskins, John Key, Pebbles – all will be marched to the gulag.
Editor - Martyn Bradbury has never left University. A full-time loser in the world of commercial TV and radio he runs The Daily Blog where seems to be sponsored by a few of New Zealand's Unions despite none ever admitting they've given him a cent. When not writing more hateful blog posts, Martyn is thinking of more ways to be paid by Matthew Hooton.
Nailed it , though you skipped over his ability to pick political winners, not