Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Politics Daily - by Dr Bryce Edwards

Dr Edwards spotted once again heavily promoting red and green fruit and vegetables

My beltway mailing list is so long that no one can find the unsubscribe button to get off it writes Dr Bryce Edwards in today's edition of Politics Daily;

Lyn Prentice writes yet another well-researched piece"Cameron Slater is a great pile of smelly poo and I hate him" and another titled "Burn mass murderer David Farrar at the stake".  Fellow comrade Martyn Bradbury concludes after a lengthy dissertation my sexy undergraduate student Angela would have been proud of "John Key is Corrupt and a Liar and I have Proof". And then another "Why Kim Dot Com should be Knighted". Then over at Dim Post, Danyl writes another piece of eloquent prose on the public servant trough titled "John Key And My Funny Bone". While on the subject; Mickey Savage (Greg Presland) in yet another excellent introspective asks "Is it fair that public servants cannot anonymously blog at The Standard". This is an important public debate that needs to dominate New Zealand politics for the next two years and if so I will be at the forefront of presenting it with my guest appearances all over the media.

(I know I shouldn't be writing editorial from a position as a public servant and showing my clear bias towards the left but Politics Daily has morphed into a taxpayer funded civil service more important to the fabric of New Zealand society than Campbell Live.

It's hard sometimes to fathom how I got from being a decorated PhD to New Zealand's most authoritative and well qualified linker and syndicated by the NBR and The Herald. It was probably because of this piece where I singlehandedly declared my own politics titled "Career Cut Pasting Without Plagiarism". And just think Jon Johansson bothers being original and having age appropriate hair styles.  Does anyone ever think how I manage to write my editorial daily in and around my hefty schedule of academia and mainstream media appearances?"). (Ed - good God shoot me now)

Still Dirty Politics is rearing its head where my new good friend The Ruminator gives us a valuable insight into his own rectum and declares in a post "It is Pretty Murky Up There". Not to be outdone Giovanni Tiso increases his power in the blogosphere with an excellent piece clearing up confusion between his blog Bat, Bean, Beam and the PM's cat "Moonbeam is John Key's Cat, Stupid" followed by another in his boycott series "Why I Refuse To Watch The Repo Man". The ubiquitous powerhouse of the left and Labour treasure Chris Trotter has another ground breaking piece "The Tragic Demise of Labour a Shakespearian Perspective". Trotter asks what really went wrong in the 2014 election when according to him the left failed to smear John Key using the hacked emails and a narrative the New Zealand voting public still don't understand and for the few that do they don't seem that interested in. Trotter and I part company on this one but as an academic I am always right.  The Civilian rounds things off nicely with "No one cares about Dirty Politics" where he surely must be joking.  Imperator Fish then chimes in with his own opinion in a post titled "Bring Back David Shearer All Is Forgiven".

Martyn Bradbury's Union sponsored blog The Daily Blog then asks the big question of the day "Is big business sponsoring Whaleoil, how does he pay for his beanie?" and John Minto guest stars  with a solid thesis where he asks for debate titled "Bring Back Protests Make Me More Relevant".   Laila Harre chimes in with a contribution bound to create controversy in the Beltway "Tight Arse Bastards Who Underpay at My Restaurant Ika". Matthew Hooton, whom I've tried hard for a year to knock off his Radio New Zealand slot has a thoughtful piece in the NBR "Chasing Rainbows" where he transplants his mind and body into that of Georgina Beyer and advises the left on how to capture the surprisingly large transgendered vote in New Zealand. It is an interesting piece and establishes Matthew now just behind myself as New Zealand's leading abstract political thinker.

Oh and before I forget for balance here's a play review of extreme right wing blogger David Farrar titled "Play Review". 

Editor - Bryce Edwards (self professed anti-establishment) is a lecturer in Politics at locally acclaimed and one of New Zealand's oldest establishments - The University of Otago. He indoctrinates the desperate on New Zealand politics, public policy, political parties, elections, erections and political communication. His PhD completed in 2003, was on 'Political Parties in New Zealand: Another Study of Really Obvious Bollocks'. He is currently working on a book entitled 'Who Runs New Zealand? An Anatomy of Power'. Where leaked papers show he has already concluded the poor are a constituency of a missing million that he will need a $100,000 a year research grant to study further. To broaden his corporate profile, Edwards is also on the board of directors for FIFA sponsored Transparency International New Zealand where his prime role is to make fellow director Mark Sainsbury a strong cup of tea and whinge about the diminishing role of Unions in the hope of a regular slot on Radiolive to replace Phoebe Fletcher.

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